Force Layout Network Visualization

Online Demo

Data Source

Network of Macaque's Brain. The original data displays the connections between different parts in Macaque's brain. And now this data is transformed to the ".json" format file and displayed in a network layout.

Control of the Network Visualization

  • Point to the node to zoom in and see its name.
  • Click one node, then its relevant nodes and links will be emphasized.
  • A node will be fixed after dragging it to a position.
  • Double-click to release the node and restore related links.
  • Click the "+" or the "-" button to change the size of the nodes.

Usage and Analysis


The sizes of the nodes in the network are initially not the same due to their different weights. We can infer that the "n0", "n1", "n3", "n9", "n16", "n22", "n23", "n27", "n54", "n55", "n63" which in larger size are somehow important.


After selecting one node, it's easier for you to find the relevant nodes with the help of the emphasized nodes and links. Take the "n10" as an example, the relevant "n1", "n9", "n63" can be easily found. Besides, if you click the "n54", most of the other nodes are highlighted. So we can speculate that the "n54" is indispensable.


In order to have a better observation, you can prevent the force layout from subsequently changing the position of the nodes by fixing them in some place.