DiDi Data Visualization

Online Demo

Data Source

Di-Tech 2016 Alogorithm competition. The supply-demand gap data is distilled from the raw data provided by the algorithm competition. And now the data is transformed to the ".csv" format files.

Usage and Analysis

The demo is inspired by the Heat Map visualization technique, which is helped to get a better view of the supply-demand gap data of two weeks in a city.

Select the date at the top left to show the date's situation. Click the "Start" button to start a continuous loop of the data by day and the "Stop" button to pause.

The x-axis represents the 24 hours while the y-axis means the various districts in the city.

The color scale of each day is automatically optimized for better emphasizing the difference among the supply-demand gap in each period of time.


In the visualization above, the 51 district had a supply-demand gap peak around one o'clock on New Year’s Day. It can be speculated that the 51 district is a popular place for the countdown ceremony.


During the working days, it's obvious that the rush hours usually start from around 7: 30, 17: 30 and 21:00 by observing the supply-demand gap between riders and drivers.


Through the visualization, the missing data can be easily found. So the data of this date needs further processing if it's going to be used for training the prediction model.